Everyone, meet Charlie, my resident houseplant molester. Yes, he’s furry and sweet and adorable when he chases his squeaking catnip filled mouse… but nothing will induce my rage more than to find my spider plant’s leaves nipped down to inches… again. It’s times like that when I won’t be able to find him because he’s hiding under my bed, and with good reason. Since Charlie joined our family, I’ve been on a quest to find ways to keep my precious plants away from kitty’s teeth. I’ve created a list of the 7 most common and effective solutions and have been in the process of trying them out. If you keep cats and houseplants in the same space like me, you might want to take a peek at these tips for keeping those leafy greens safe.

1. Essential Oil Spray Most cats dislike strong smells. Take a spray bottle, fill it with water and add a few drops of peppermint oil or a citrus oil like lemon or orange. Then go spray crazy on those leaves. In case you were wondering, the essential oils will not hurt your houseplants.

2. Plant Herbs Cut to the chase by using herbs as your kitchen houseplants. As mentioned above, the strong smell will make them an unappealing target to your kitty. You’ll also have fresh herbs to use in your cooking, so this idea is definitely a win win.

3. Cayenne Pepper This is a very common tip among fellow cat owners. Try mixing a teaspoon of cayenne with a half cup of water and spray lightly on leaves and flowers. Yes, they’ll smell a little spicy but better spicy greenery than none at all!

4. Plant Succulents After this you will realize that succulents really are the best houseplants ever. They’re easy to care for, hardy plants against brown thumbs, and they don’t interest cats. There are no thin fluttering leaves to bite here and some of them even have prickles. Kitty may sniff but ultimately, they’ll leave those mini cacti alone.

5. Tin Foil When it comes to slick and sticky surfaces, cats are out. Put some tin foil or double stick tape on the surface where you keep your plants and after a few tries of trying to get to those leaves, kitty will figure out that that surface isn’t a pleasant place to be. Then you can remove your tin foil or tape and your plants will be safe.

6. High Places This one is probably already happening at your house, am I right? Bookshelves are great places to pile the plants and it’s a good thing that macrame is in because hanging them is a good option too. If they’re high enough, there’s no chance kitty can get them.

7. Citrus Peel Let’s talk citrus. For whatever reason, cats dislike the smell of it which works in our favor. Eat your orange and when your done, put your leftover peel on top of the soil in your houseplant. It will have the same effect as the tin foil.

Credit: : homedit.com


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